Tuesday 23 July 2013

The Energy Source

"Oh Am I late? Why does it matter? I'm always late."
Hey Guys I'm sorry I'm a bit late this time, well I've got a good excuse with me; I was flagged by some anonymous guy (turns out he was jealous) , and my account was suspended :c
But now I'm back!

So here comes the ultimate topic that all of you have been waiting for, since the beginning of time; THE ENERGY SOURCE! - Click on it, go on.

I assume you didn't like my previous blog since it was all about chemistry and who even likes Chemistry? Well at least I don't.

So lets get started!
The question that we must ask is:
                  i. What is his energy source?
                 ii. And how does he store it?

Since there are two questions I'll have to write a lot so I'm gonna split this post in to a few parts.

And you can click on the titles to go its Wikipedia page 

     Yes, he could be using something we've always had. Nuclear reactors or fussion chambers produce a lot of energy and power up almost 15% of Europe (in 2005).
So here's a bit of information about it :- 

And here's the GIF for the sake of it:


Nuclear energy is produced using Uranium, and there are two types of uranium that can be found;

Uranium 238 (99.3% )
Uranium 235 (0.7%)

And yep, the scarcely found one is the most important one. Thats because under certain conditions it can be split,  yielding a lot of energy. It is therefore said to be 'fissile' and we use the expression 'nuclear fission'.

Uranium is just one of the elements that could be used, it was chosen over Thorium, which in fact produces a lot more energy than uranium, but however it was rejected as it did not have the power to create weapons and explosive which were required at the time of development (During world war II).

Well, so if he uses Nuclear energy, how in the name of Taco Bell does he store it? Well as I said, that's for another part :)

    2. Anti-matter
 I'll try to explain it as briefly as possible (I'm really bad at this). Here goes nothing. 
Antimatter is exactly what it says, like magnets and poles, everything has an opposite of itself (the opposite of electron would be positron),
and so does Anti-matter (Thus the prefix 'Anti'). The difference being that they have opposite charges but the characteristics are the same (such as the mass).  Perhaps the easiest way to understand them would be to think of a Ying-Yang, or look at this picture.

Useful part : When matter and anti-matter collide they annihilate (obliterate) to produce energy and very high radiation (Gamma rays). 

The scarcity of antimatter means that it is not readily available for use as fuel. Any antimatter propulsion would require engine construction so as to prevent the annihilation of all the fuel simultaneously. Anti-matter could be used as a fuel for interplanetary travel or interstellar travel as part of an antimatter catalyzed nuclear pulse propulsion or other antimatter rocketry, such as the redshift rocket. Since the energy density of antimatter is higher than that of conventional fuels, an antimatter-fueled spacecraft would have a higher thrust-to-weight ratio than a conventional spacecraft. 
The biggest problem we face is,we don't know much about it, correction: we know almost nothing about it.

     But I'm sure tony could somehow figure it out. 


And I'm sorry if you didn't get anything, that's the briefest I could be.

3. Chemical combustion of stuff

Okay I don't have much about this. But here's what Neil deGrasse Tyson said on star talk radio (Edited by me, because I don't remember what he actually said) :- 

"He could use some chemical reactions, such as gun powder, which could slowly burn producing energy slowly."

A piece of advice for anyone who meets Mr. Neil, take a diary or a note-pad or whatever you can find, because whatever this guy says is amazing and true. (And he might accidentally tell you where he hid his iron-man suit c: ).

An example of the combustion being that if steam trains that used coal, or a better more usable chemical would be gunpowder. Gunpowder is energy in a chemical form waiting to be used, and we could perhaps use by sending some small packs (or quanta) of it into the fusion chamber that would then explode then to produce energy.

The following table (constructed from the sources below) compares the energy content of gunpowder, TNT, and dynamite:

3 MJ/kg

4.7 MJ/kg


3.7 MJ/kg


As you can see that there are many other chemical substances that could be used in order to produce energy, now all we need is a fusion and/or reaction chamber small enough to fit in a suit. [Next post ;)]

4. The tesseract

Hah, good luck on finding it.
And here is perhaps the most accurate image of the tesseract (mathematically).

It as said by Nick Fury has almost unlimited energy, and can create dimensions through space and time. Looks like T.A.R.D.I.S has found its opponent.

We don't have much knowledge of the energy sources that could be used and perhaps be powerful and efficient. However, we do know 'how' energy could be stored in different stages and containers. Read my next post to know.

And if I've misquoted or given wrong information or if you would like to share something to this series please let me know and all the links to the pictures can be found in the captions.

Thanks and I'll be back with more stuff to ponder upon soon. So stay tuned? Yeap that's right. :)

"If we do not destroy ourselves, we will one day venture to the stars"

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