Tuesday 28 May 2013

A detailed analysis.

"Hold on tight, we're gonna have a rough flight!"

Hey! I'm back with more facts to pour. So a week ago I saw Iron Man 3 and yeah I was late, I had exams when it came out :(  but nevertheless I've watched it now. And if you haven't watched IM3 yet you should stop reading because, there will be some spoilers. Enough of talk lets cut to the awesome part!

Start with IM1

So the year is 2042 and man has turned evil... oh sorry wrong movie. After being threatened and bullied by the people of the ten rings, Tony is sad and crying, okay I'm exaggerating again, after Yinsen says him his Magical words again ( if you don't know what I'm talking about then you should read my first post) Tony is hyped and starts breaking up his missiles to get what is rarely found and is expensive as hell ; Palladium! 

Nerd Alert! Skip to the next paragraph if you're not very good at chemistry.

Palladium is a very unique element as it has queer way of arranging its electrons, so it has less number shells than it actually should. It has the lowest melting point and is the least dense of the platinum group metals. It's also a very good oxidizing agent making it even more useful. And yep its radioactive. Since it has a strange electronic configuration (2, 8, 18, 18) it forms a layer structure like that of the graphite that makes it easily malleable and ductile making it even more useful, though the problem with it is we haven't yet learned much about it, as I said before it is rare and freaking expensive!
It's a transition metal so the level of conductivity on its part is quite good and its strong enough to hold up to its lattice at even really high temperatures 1828 kelvin! That's so high (literally), it can  even withstand Lava at its hottest which goes up to about 1473 kelvin! Now that's Hot (some puns intended). The furnaces at factories are more hotter and can melt it in seconds without a hitch, and to put in perspective Magma is 3033 kelvin.

If you've skipped the paragraph above then here's the summary: Palladium is freaking awesome! And its pretty strong.

So why did I give you short lecture on palladium? Because it is what tony uses to make the Arc Reactor. And most of the people out there think that its the palladium that powers up his suit which is precisely wrong. In fact it only diffuses the energy from the energy source to power up his armor, and it also lowers the radioactive emissions entering his body (well at least it tries to). Later it poisons his blood by entering it due to rapid use of his suits and large amounts of energy transfers and the opposing magnetic field just increases the palladium intake rate.

But Why Palladium?

Well because its AWESOME!!!! And also partly because it can take up high amounts of energy and use it efficiently. Yep that's the Tony we know and love.  

Oh and yeah Tony carries around the battery box which is outside of his body that powers up the electromagnets in his chest, since it needs to be always in his chest and he cannot take it out every time to change the battery, which I thought was the case last time when I was writing the blog, I'm sorry about that though.

So what do we know till now?

Mr. Stark has built a new electromagnet that is powerful and conducts electricity very efficiently and has good capacitance (good storage basically, not the precise definition). He calculates the energy output saying that it could power up something big for 50 mins assuming that his Math is right which he continues saying "It always is". Here's the important part, he says, " This is a miniaturized version of the Arc Reactor. We got a big one powering my office at home." 

Guys I'm not gonna spill the beans so easily, you can't make a bigger version of that, because:
  1. You'll need energy, and I mean hell lot of energy
  2. Electricity needs to be directed precisely with the most accurate math so that the palladium doesn't became an isotope of itself due to rapid oxidation and high power, which would make it radioactive and ... you know what happened in Japan and Chernobyl
  3. Electricity is expensive, unless you have your own source of energy that could be contained and its energy consumed without dying of doing all the boring Math.
  4. You haven't read my future blogs so you don't yet know much about the energy source.
  5. And the biggest obstacle, lets face it, your aren't so brilliant.
 So now he has a new lighted up electromagnet that looks elegant and is the mark of our hero, though in the third part he threw it away :( Now he's got a lot of power, it's not a lot to say, but it is surely is a bit more than what he could get in the cave from the scrapes, and still a hell lot more than any portable storage device, look at your phone, now imagine it having a battery life of a few months or so, yep that's exactly what tony had done with his chum. I bet Yinsen had no clue what tony was doing.

 Now with so much energy what will you do? Probably blow up your phone trying to charge it, such raw power would definitely blow up not only your phone but also almost your house! Maybe I exaggerated a bit too much. Anyways moving on, what does tony do with this tremendous amount of energy? Does what he usually does, makes a killing machine but this time its a suit that operates missiles and is the controlled by the orders of its master; Tony Stark.

Looks like I've covered up everything from the first movie, phew that was some good research, well looks like I'll have to end it here due to lack of space, But next time I'll be back. And for the record this is the Nerdiest I've ever been. 

In my next post I'll be discussing about the energy sources that might be what Tony uses.

And if I've misquoted or given wrong information or if you would like to share something to this series please let me know and all the links to the pictures can be found in the captions.

Thanks and I'll be back with more stuff to ponder upon soon. So stay tuned? Yeap that's right. :)

"I laugh when I think about the future, because it always changes."

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